Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Letter to Our Beloved Second Daughter

Dear Friends, Meet Evelyn Amelia Chang, 張語容, daughter of Kaiwen and David. Born Nov. 9, 2010, at 2:02PM, in Pasadena, CA. Weighed 7 lb. 13 oz. You can call her Evi (pronounced Eh-Vee).

Dear Daughter, There is an old Chinese saying that Daughter is Father’s beloved one in former life. It was simply lucky to have a precious one in life. And Dad is doubly fortunate to receive the joy twice. I will always remember that day in March when Mom e-mailed Dad a photo showing the result of a pregnancy detection test. It’s positive (+)! I will be a dad, again! Dad, Mom, and Sister hugged together that night. Excited and joyous, we begin the slow, yet somehow seemed fast, expectant period, waiting for your arrival this winter. You will be Dad and Mom’s second daughter, and Edith’s one and only sister. Your name is Evelyn Amelia Chang, 張語容.

Evelyn represents life, light and desired. Mom originally nick named you Fu-Bao, the lucky baby born in the Year of Tiger. Evelyn reminds us how blessed we are to have you, Little Fu-Bao. Your arrival completes our family.

Amelia is named after Amelia Earhart, the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Its Latin origin means industrious and constant striving for excellence. As you wander through the adventures and challeges in life, I wish you to be carougeous, fearless in your journey.

Chang is your family name. Like Dad and your sister, we flow the same blood. Mom's family name is Yang. She is the reason of you being here. Always remember: there is no greater love in world than the love of your Mama. Welcome to our family, Little Seedling.




某日,當爸媽不在人世的時候,世上唯一血脈相連的妳們能夠牽手扶持,知道妳們會是彼此人生中的玩伴、吵嘴的對象、 學習的榜樣、分享喜樂或眼淚的摯友,直到妳們也成為母親、祖母,這才是媽媽捨得撒手離開妳們的唯一理由與勇氣。



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